This is an old revision of the document!

Notify on TP / SL

Variable Description
account PV Account used for this command
alert Current PV alert name
available Available (free) balance of this account
balance Balance information (free + total) of this account
bartime Bar time (position in bar) when this alert was triggered
exchange Exchange used for this command
leverage Leverage information (set for this command or present in checked order/position)
price Final price calculated (or present in checked order/position)
time Current time
total Total balance (equity) of this account
check=pos notify=telegram:"{_symbol} {_side} position - entry: {_entry} - size: {_size} ({relSize}) - profit: {_profit} ({pnlTotal})" 

The following additional built in variables are available for notifications on position check or close commands:

Variable Description
_date Date/Time when position was opened (if supported)
_entry Average entry price of the position
_profit Absolute profit/loss of the position (native units/contracts)
_side Side of the position - long or short
_size Absolute size of the position (in native units/contracts)
_sizeUSD Absolute size of the position (in USD)
_sizeCoin Absolute size of the position (in “Coin”/market currency)
_symbol Symbol/market of the position
pnl PnL relative to the unleveraged margin used by the position
pnlLev Same as above but taking position leverage into account
(multiplied by leverage)
pnlTotal Current PnL in relation to total account equity
(use yield=balance for relation to available balance)
relSize Relative size of the position in relation to total account equity
(use yield=balance for relation to available balance)


Always double check that you are using the right syntax/alert!