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Example for LIMIT Entry Loop with Market Fallback
It is always recommended to use testnet/sandbox first!
# update balance & cache current price (for slippage check) update # only use cached balance from here on to have quantity % resolve consistently cachedbalance jumpdelay=0 :limitLoop # place post-only limit order using leftover quantity from last canceled order in this alert or the specified quantity as fallback (used for first run!) # accept a maximum of 0.5% price slippage against us (compared to cached price from start of alert), otherwise jump to "badPrice"... # retry for a maximum time of 5 minutes (since start of alert), if not fully filled till then but we have a pos jump to "main", otherwise jump to "tooLong"... [side]=YOUR_QUANTITY% lev=YOUR_LEVERAGE post leftover price=[-]0.25 maxslip=0.5% ifslip=badPrice id=entry maxtime=5m iftimepos=main iftime=tooLong delay=10s cancel id=entry save ifnone=posCheck # if all filled we are done => go to "posCheck", otherwise save leftover quantity for next run do=limitLoop # price went too much against us, check if we have partial position and continue with "main", otherwise exit! :badPrice ifpos=main side=[side] exit # limitLoop took to long to get an entry, open leftover quantity (or all, if no partial fill occured before) with market order :tooLong [side]=YOUR_QUANTITY% lev=YOUR_LEVERAGE market leftover # Note: replace the line above with "exit" if you do NOT want to fallback on a market order! # for safety give market order a few sec till its fully there delay=2s goto=main :posCheck # in case the post-only order was just canceled (=no position yet), try again.. ifnopos=limitLoop side=[side] :main ### place SL and TP here ###
Quantity, leverage, stoploss and takeprofit have to be adjusted to your strategy / personal needs!
Always double check that you are using the right syntax/alert!