~~Title: PnL Check (Query)~~ {{tag>guides}} ==== How-to: Regular account PnL check to limit loss/risk ==== It is always recommended to use testnet/sandbox first! ex=bybitv5demo acc=* # query PnL of all closed trades from the last 24h (1d) and save the summarized data to local variables query=pnl from=-1d sym=* save echo=~~codedoc:clean:"We made {lastpnlsum.2}% in the last 24h!"~~ if=(lastpnlsum < 0) goto=loss exit :loss echo=~~codedoc:clean:"WE HAD LOSSES, STOP THE MACHINES!":fatal~~ disable=PV # alternatively: disable entry alert and enable again if lastpnlsum >= 0 (disable=alertname) # alternatively: place a custom lock with an expiration time to prohibit entry temporarily # alternatively: set a global variable that you check in the entry alert **Note:** Currently only works on Bybit, but the query command will soon be implemented for other exchanges as well! \\ To run the above check **automatically** in regular intervals you can simply configure the **PV** alert accordingly: {{:syntax:pnl-check-schedule.png?nolink|}} {{:syntax:pnl-check-schedule-edit.png?nolink&900|}} **Note:** You might have to click the little syphon icon on the right above all the alerts to toggle the visibility of the advanced filtering options! === Attention === Always double check that you are using the right syntax/alert!