Current Roadmap (3/2025)

Done / WIP Todo / Feature Est. Date Notes
If / Else “live” while syntax is running 2/2025
Global Variables (persistent) w/UI 2/2025
Manifest V3 3/2025
More exchanges (Hyperliquid, DyDX etc.) 4/2025
Improved Account handling (int. unique IDs / groups etc.) 4/2025
Balance Tracking (DB + Export) 4/2025
Integration of Balances (+Tracking) in main UI 5/2025
Order Tracking (DB + Export) 5/2025
Balance Stats / Dashboard
Improved Log Viewer (grouping, jump to events/alerts, search etc.)
WebSocket Support (tickers at first, then orders+pos)
Trailing Module
BTCPay/Server Upgrade
Stripe Pay Integration
Re-launch VPS Service (SaaS)
More TRANSFER Support
More QUERY Support
Querying deposit / withdrawal command ???
Better + more integration of “Syntax Wizard”
Direct syntax input / alert trigger in Log View (similar to Telegram Bot)
Direct syntax input / alert trigger w/Buttons etc. as TradingView overlay
Commands to change PV Alert names (dis-/enable)
Balance / Profit Tracking based on ID (“who” placed trade)
Tracking of which alert and/or trigger opened a position!
PV 2.0 (standalone) – dotnet CLI w/API + webinterface 9/2025
⤷ Webhook Support
⤷ Pine Interpreter (or Cross Compiler) to run Strats natively